Where is my
Will kept and how will my executors know where to find it?
As one of the most important documents you will ever sign, it is vital that your Will is stored safely. Our Will Storage Service provides a state-of-the-art document storage facility, which is protected against fire, theft and damage.
We provide Will Retrieval Cards that notify your executors and family where your Will is stored. When the time comes, your Will can be quickly retrieved and delivered directly to the people that you have expressly chosen, ensuring it is always in safe hands.
Also included in the storage package, you will receive a Free Amendment Service*, which means you can make as many changes to your Will as you need! Therefore, you will never have to pay for a new Will again!
*please note, should you need to completely change your will, additional charges may occur.
For all enquiries please complete the Enquiry Form Page and we will contact you within 24 Hours.
You can also reach us on email advice@willprotectionservices.com